African american coloring sheet, Featuring Black men and their daughters Digital down load
Digital Coloring Packet by Keisha Becerra of XavierArts:
Most coloring books these days just don't seem as high quality as they used to be so my family has had a difficult time finding good quality art to color.
Because of this I have drawn and inked a packet of high-quality images to color.
They can be enjoyed by both adults and children alike. This Packet highlights the love between fathers and daughters! Each sheet features a black ( African American ) male playing with his child.
This pack includes five unique hand-drawn pages that can be printed and framed after coloring if desired.
The PDF file will be available for download and printing instantly after purchase.
* Digital download
A great gift for yourself or the artist in your life.
Please note:
All artwork is ©2020 Keisha Becerra
These pages may be printed, and/or colored digitally, only for personal non-profit use.
They should not be printed or copied in any form for distribution.
Please let other people know where they can order their own family coloring pack so I can continue to create quality products for you to enjoy!
If you would like to post your colored work online, please give proper credit and make sure the copyright information is included in the image at all times so others can find and enjoy my coloring pages. Please do not post the uncolored art.
****see my other listings at XAColoringBooks.com******
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